Saturday, May 22, 2010

Binky Buddies

Hayden's First Race - Age 7

It's marathon weekend in Fargo! The weather is rainy and VERY windy this morning in Fargo for the marathon - poor runners! Hayden did participate (with Ryan) in the weekend activities by running the Youth 1/2 Mile Race. He tells us that next year he is ready for the 1 Mile Race.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dad and Little Hudson

G Bear in the Reading Room

Addie likes to read in the bathroom.....just like her dad.

New Rocket Glider

Hayden's First Date - Age 7

Last weekend Hayden came running home from the neighbor's to ask us if he and Hattie could sit in the hot tub. Since he is only 7 we said ok....our answer may be different in 7 years.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Goodbye Max

This past weekend was a very sad weekend at the Saville house. We had to say goodbye to our dog Max. Max was recently diagnosed with cancer and it was spreading quickly through his lungs making it very hard for him to breathe.
Max would have been 12 this June.
We love you buddy and will miss you dearly. Our house will never be the same.

Our Smiley Little Guy

Hayden and Addie

On cool days, Hayden loves to sit in front of our bathroom heater after his shower. And, he usually has a little girl waiting for him. It's one of the rare times that Hayden and Addie sit and talk these days without picking on each other.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend with the cousins

This past weekend we got to spend with Russ and Marci and Berta and Bob. The cousins had a great time together.

Addie - all tired out

Addie....was so excited to go to her cousins this weekend for a sleepover. She was all ready to go but had to wait for mom and dad to get ready. This is Addie on our bathroom floor ....waiting for mom.

Messy Girl

Since birth...Hayden has been the neatest and cleanest kid ever. Addie...not so much. Half of everything she eats is usually on her hands and clothes by the time she is done eating. And...this isn't because she is a messy's because she examines everything she eats. Who knows...maybe we have a future doctor on our hands. :-)