Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Trip Home - Day 3

Finally, we arrived in Dickinson!

Christmas Trip Home - Day 2

Day 2 was spent at the Lemnus house. Again, due to icy roads we decided to wait it out another day before heading all the way to Dickinson.

Christmas Trip Home - Day 1

Our trip back home to Dickinson this year for Christmas was quite an adventure! Three nights at three seperate places, not at all what mom and dad had in mind. The first night was spent only 100 miles west in the Jamestown Holiday Inn Express due to icy roads. This is Hayden and Addie playing in the breakfast area.

Hair Designs by Addie

Hair designs - all done by Addison Grace.

Christmas Trees

This year I bought Hayden and Addie their own trees to hang all of the creations they have made over the years. They were a big hit and both seem to love them.

Thanksgiving 2010

Catching up for the last month! Thanksgiving brought lots of snow and bad weather to Fargo. However, we were lucky that Grandma and Grandpa made it to Fargo before the snow hit!